FAVE TranscriptProcessor module

Functions for processing FAAV transcripts

class fave.align.transcriptprocessor.TranscriptProcessor(transript_file, pronunciation_dictionary, *args, **kwargs)

Wrapper for handling tab delimited FAAV transcription files


checks that all words in lines have an entry in the CMU dictionary; if not, prompts user for Arpabet transcription and adds it to the dict file. If “check transcription” option is selected, writes list of unknown words to file and exits.


checks the format of the input transcription file and returns a list of empty lines to be deleted from the input

static check_transcription_format(line)

checks that input format of transcription file is correct (5 tab-delimited data fields)


preprocesses transcription input for CMU dictionary lookup and forced alignment


Reads file into memory

static replace_smart_quotes(all_input)

Replace fancy quotes with straight quotes