FAVE Plotnik module¶
- class fave.extract.plotnik.PltFile¶
represents a Plotnik file (header and vowel measurements)
- class fave.extract.plotnik.VowelMeasurement¶
represents a single vowel token (one line in a Plotnik data file)
- fave.extract.plotnik.arpabet2plotnik(ac, stress, trans, prec_p, foll_p, phoneset, fm, fp, fv, ps, fs)¶
translates Arpabet transcription of vowels into codes for Plotnik vowel classes
- fave.extract.plotnik.cmu2plotnik_code(i, phones, trans, phoneset, speaker, vowelSystem)¶
converts Arpabet to Plotnik coding (for vowels) and adds Plotnik environmental codes (.xxxxx)
- fave.extract.plotnik.convertDur(dur)¶
converts durations into integer msec (as required by Plotnik)
- fave.extract.plotnik.convertStress(stress)¶
converts labeling of unstressed vowels from ‘0’ in the CMU Pronouncing Dictionary to ‘3’ in Plotnik
- fave.extract.plotnik.get_age(line)¶
returns age of speaker from header line of Plotnik file, if present
- fave.extract.plotnik.get_city(line)¶
returns city from header line of Plotnik file, if present
- fave.extract.plotnik.get_first_name(line)¶
returns first name of speaker from header line of Plotnik file
- fave.extract.plotnik.get_last_name(line)¶
returns last name of speaker from header line of Plotnik file, if present
- fave.extract.plotnik.get_n(line)¶
returns number of tokens from second header line of Plotnik file, if present
- fave.extract.plotnik.get_n_foll_c(i, phones)¶
returns the number of consonants in the syllable coda
- fave.extract.plotnik.get_n_foll_syl(i, phones)¶
returns the number of following syllables
- fave.extract.plotnik.get_s(line)¶
returns ??? from second header line of Plotnik file, if present
- fave.extract.plotnik.get_sex(line)¶
returns speaker sex from header line of Plotnik file, if included
- fave.extract.plotnik.get_state(line)¶
returns state from header line of Plotnik file, if present
- fave.extract.plotnik.get_stressed_v(phones)¶
returns the index of the stressed vowel, or ‘’ if none or more than one exist
- fave.extract.plotnik.get_ts(line)¶
returns Telsur subject number from header line of Plotnik file, if present
- fave.extract.plotnik.is_v(label)¶
checks whether a phone is a vowel
- fave.extract.plotnik.outputPlotnikFile(Plt, f)¶
writes the contents of a PltFile object to file (in Plotnik format)
- fave.extract.plotnik.phila_system(i, phones, trans, fm, fp, fv, ps, fs, pc, phoneset)¶
redefines vowel classes for Philadelphia
- fave.extract.plotnik.plt_folseq(fs)¶
translates numerical following sequence code to a readable code.
- fave.extract.plotnik.plt_ipa(cd)¶
translates numerical vowel class code to ipa-like.
- fave.extract.plotnik.plt_manner(fm)¶
translates numerical following manner code to a readable code.
- fave.extract.plotnik.plt_place(fp)¶
translates numerical following place code to a readable code.
- fave.extract.plotnik.plt_preseg(ps)¶
translates numerical preceding segment code to a readable code.
- fave.extract.plotnik.plt_voice(fv)¶
translates numerical voicing code to a readable code.
- fave.extract.plotnik.plt_vowels(cd)¶
translates numerical vowel class code to modified Labovian transcription.
- fave.extract.plotnik.process_measurement_line(line)¶
splits Plotnik measurement line into values for formants, vowel class, stress, token, glide, style, and comment
- fave.extract.plotnik.process_plt_file(filename)¶
reads a Plotnik data file into a PltFile object
- fave.extract.plotnik.split_stress_digit(phones)¶
separates the stress digit from the Arpabet code for vowels
- fave.extract.plotnik.style2plotnik(stylecode, word)¶
converts single- or double-letter style codes to the corresponding Plotnik digits
- fave.extract.plotnik.word2fname(word)¶
makes a unique filename out of token name??? (limited to 8 characters, count included as final) ???
- fave.extract.plotnik.word2trans(word)¶
converts Plotnik word as originally entered (with parentheses and token number) into normal transcription (upper case)