Quickstart guide to using FAVE 2.0

  1. Install FAVE and its dependencies according to the directions.

  2. Download the FAAValign.py and extractFormants.py scripts.

  3. Check your transcription for out-of-dictionary words

Check for out-of-dictionary words
python3 FAAValign.py --check unknown_words.txt AudioFile.wav TranscriptionFile.txt OutputAlignment.TextGrid
  1. Open unknown_words.txt and create a transcription for each word listed.

  2. Align your audio and transcripts including your new transcriptions:

Begin forced alignment
python3 FAAValign.py --import custom_dictionary.txt AudioFile.wav TranscriptionFile.txt OutputAlignment.TextGrid
  1. Extract formant data using the default settings:

Extract formant data
python3 extractFormants.py AudioFile.wav Alignment.TextGrid OutputFileName.tsv